Cadwch llygad ar ein adran newyddion am newidiadau ar y tracs, gwybodaeth argyfwng, canslo gwasanaethau, cyhoeddiadau a.y.y.b…. os rydych efo rhywbeth I rhannu, gyrrwch gwybodaeth I ni a bydd un o’n tim yn adolygu y gwybodaeth. Gallwch gyrru gwybodaeth wrth defnyddio y ffurflen ar tudalen “cysylltu”.
Tree felling in foel gasnach
Hi to all members please remember that Foel Gasnach is closed Monday to Friday due to felling around Foel Gasnach this week open as usual from Saturday 3rd of March many thanks Steve
Dig day
Thanks again to osian jones and Ieuan jones and robin arthur for the help up at foel got a fair bit done on track 2
Hi to all members, Can you please check your memberships as we have recently changed the Paypal so if your on reoccurring payment you need to rejoin as you WILL NOT be covered to ride. Please have [...]
reoccurring membership payments
Hi to all members if you are on reoccurring yearly membership Paypal payment you need to rejoin as we have a new Paypal in place. Please renew your membership as you wont be covered to [...]
Dig day 11th feb
dont forget dig day this saturday 11th feb come and get stuck in
Dig day 14th january
Dig day going to be doing some work on track 2 so the track will be closed 14th january come along and get involved
club members videos
Here's a video of some of our club members having fun on the tracks
Dig day 22/10/16
Hi to all members We are going to have a dig day Saturday 22/10/16 so come along and give your imput into the tracks. I've been busy thining the forest out to let some light on the tracks. [...]
Dig Day Saturday
Track 4 will be closed for maintenance on Saturday. Please make use of our other tracks.
Steve’s Post
Hi Track four will be closed from 10am on Saturday the 3rd September as I am doing some more work, so feel free to come along and give a hand. The gate will be open as [...]
Dig Day 13.8.16
Hi everybody, had a very productive day up Foel today, even though the turn out wasn't what I expected wee still got done what we needed to do, thanks to Andy Williams, Terry Gin, Tony [...]
(English) Great little vid of Foel in the Dry from James Maxwell and co… Enjoy 😛
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(English) FDHR official film. big thanks to Tom at Caldwell visuals….. Awesome!!
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